Thursday, July 11, 2013

LEGO Crown Hall

LEGO S.R. Crown Hall

This piece went through five iterations before coming to it's final look. It was showcased in Brickworld Chicago 2012, and the Mies Birthday party.

There are more photos on my MOC pages.

Eldar cosplay final

Final pictures from 2012

I finished the Eldar costume, I wore it for Games Day, A-cen and Wizard World Chicago. I won third place for best costume at Games Day.
That is me on the left. The Space Marine on the far right is a statue.

The last year

So although this blog hasn't been updated, I have been very busy. I finished college, and have gotten very busy with most of my projects. I have been to quite a few convention, including Gen-con and Anime Expo. I do photo shoots of my work with a friend for finalized photos, which won't be posted as often here as they are on my MOC pages and in my portfolio. That said, feel free to comment on what you see.